Wednesday, April 9, 2008

DECA officer application

Attention all members!
Anyone interested in being PRESIDENT or VICE PRESIDENT of our DECA chapter next year must submit the following information to Mrs. Cannon by Wednesday, April 28th.
Note which position you're interested in and answer the following questions in bullet format.
Also attach a resume.

1. What experiences have prepared you for this position?
2. Are you involved in other organizations, club, athletics: if yes, please list specific responsibilities and/or accomplishments.
3. Are you willing to make DECA a priority for the entire school year? If yes, how?
4. If selected to the above position, how will you improve OLM DECA?

Thank you for your interest and we will hopefully speak with you soon!

Your DECA officers, Mrs. Cannon and Mrs. Lenyk

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

DECA Members; just a reminder that our Christmas party is on the 18th!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


DECA Members,

We just wanted to thank all of you that have been attending your group event meetings. The meetings are going great and we think that you will be well prepared for your events in January!

Reminder that invitations for our Christmas party were handed out this week. If you were absent and/or did not recieve an invite, please see one of your officers, Mrs. Cannon or Mrs. Lenyk.

Thanks, and hope to see you all there!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Event Preparation Meetings

Here are our small group event preparation meeting dates.
These dates are mandatory- if you can not attend, you unfortunately can not participate.
The dates are organized by event, so if you have any questions please see Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. Lenyk, or any of the officers.

November 8th

Room 221

November 1st
7:15 AM
Room to be announced

October 24th
7:15 AM
Room to be announced

October 31st
7:15 AM
Room to be announced

November 6th
7:30 AM
Room 221

October 25th
7:30 AM
Room 221

October 23rd
7:30 AM

Room 221

Friday, October 19, 2007

Officers - Please submit $10.00 (directly to Mrs. Cannon) for our Dec. 6th Dinner.
Oct. 19th - Thank you for joining us this morning - please see me with any questions. If you did not come - you are required to attend the next three mini-event-training meetings so that you may attend the January 11th conference.

Friday, October 12, 2007

To: DECA members - we are looking forward to giving you your event information at our next meeting, Oct. 19th 7:15 am sharp, room 221. We hope to then schedule personal training times with you so please bring your schedule. See officers with any questions!