Sunday, October 28, 2007

Event Preparation Meetings

Here are our small group event preparation meeting dates.
These dates are mandatory- if you can not attend, you unfortunately can not participate.
The dates are organized by event, so if you have any questions please see Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. Lenyk, or any of the officers.

November 8th

Room 221

November 1st
7:15 AM
Room to be announced

October 24th
7:15 AM
Room to be announced

October 31st
7:15 AM
Room to be announced

November 6th
7:30 AM
Room 221

October 25th
7:30 AM
Room 221

October 23rd
7:30 AM

Room 221

Friday, October 19, 2007

Officers - Please submit $10.00 (directly to Mrs. Cannon) for our Dec. 6th Dinner.
Oct. 19th - Thank you for joining us this morning - please see me with any questions. If you did not come - you are required to attend the next three mini-event-training meetings so that you may attend the January 11th conference.

Friday, October 12, 2007

To: DECA members - we are looking forward to giving you your event information at our next meeting, Oct. 19th 7:15 am sharp, room 221. We hope to then schedule personal training times with you so please bring your schedule. See officers with any questions!
To: DECA officers - We will be making t-shirts Saturday oct. 20 at 9:00 am. If you are interested, see me asap. Mrs. Cannon

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


You may have found yourselves asking "what in the world is DECA?" Face it-we all have! Our job with this blog update is to inform you of what DECA is, what our calendar looks like, and other useful information that can help you when it comes to your journey with Mercy DECA!

DECA- Distrubutive Education Clubs of America
An Association of Marketing Students
It is our pleasure to introduce the Our Lady of Mercy High School DECA chapter. DECA is a prestigious, national business club whose program of leadership and personal development is designed specifically for students interested in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship. DECA is a non-profit educational association and is chartered by the New York State Education Department as a co-curricular activity. We are currently beginning our second year as a DECA chapter and hope for the same success as last year in which our students placed first, second, third and fourth in the state of New York.

DECA Mission: To help students develop skills and competence for marketing careers, build self-esteem, experience leadership and practice community experience.

DECA Goals:

  • to develop leadership characteristics
  • to develop self-confidence and self-acceptance
  • to further develop occupational competencies needed for careers in marketing, management and entrepreneurship
  • to develop high ethical standards in personal & business relationships
  • to develop effective international relationships
  • to develop greater proficiency in communication
  • to develop a healthy competitive spirit
  • to develop social and business etiquette

DECA Logistics: we meet two Fridays a month from 7:15 AM to 8:00 AM in room 221.
Students may also meet at additional times, as requested, to receive assistance preparing for their selected business event until January. If students place at the regional event at Monroe Community College, they may elect to participate in the state event, held in Rochester, during the month of March. If students win a state event, they may also attend a national event in Atlanta during the month of May.
Attendance at the regional competition (at Monroe Community College) is strongly encouraged (one day event during the first week of January)

DECA EVENTS 2007-2008

Accounting Applications
Apparel Accessories Marketing
Automotive Services Marketing
Broadcast Advertising
Business Services
Careers and Financial Management
Food Marketing
Hotel/Lodging Management
Job Interview
Marketing Management
Public Service Broadcast
Public Service Visual Advertising
Public Speaking Extemporaneous
Restaurant/Food Service Management
Retail Merchandising
Sports/ Entertainment Marketing
Visual Advertising

Each officer of DECA this year is responsible for 2-3 events. If you are interested in a certain event, this officer will guide you through to the competition.
Bianca Calascibetta- Accounting Applications, Apparel Accessories Marketing, and Marketing Management
Haley Meagher- Automotive Services Marketing, Business Services, and Careers and Financial Management
Kacey Urlaub- Job Interview, Public Speaking Extemporaneous, and Visual Advertising
Kim Booth- Broadcast Advertising, Public Service Broadcast, and Public Service Visual Advertising
Ryann Sypniewski- Retail Merchandising and Sports/Entertainment Marketing
Samantha Symonds- Food Marketing, Hotel/Lodging Management, Restaurant/Food Service Management

General meetings for ALL members (thus far): September 21st, October 4th, October 12th, October 19th, November 2nd
More dates to come!

To fully prepare for your events, we highly encourage you to visit these websites... (national DECA site) (New York State DECA site)

If you have ANY questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to see one of your officers, Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. Lenyk, post a comment here, or email Mrs. Cannon or Mrs. Lenyk!
( or

Thanks, and we all hope to see you at the next meeting!

Your DECA Officers, Mrs. Cannon and Mrs. Lenyk